b"Volume #3 / 2024 57greenwashing Conveying a false impression of reducingplumes Long cloud of gases (or particulate matter) one's emissions released into the atmosphere from sources like volcanoes or chimneys.ppm Part per million. A standard measure of the hydrofluoro- Powerful greenhouse gases foundconcentration of a gas in the atmosphere.carbons in refrigerators and air conditioners destroying the ozone layerSoil OrganicSoil Organic Carbon. It is the carbon Carbon, SOC component of organic compounds in the inverse modelling Using observations of greenhousegasessoil. and flow in the atmosphere to calculate fluxes and emissionssurface-basedAll measurements that are done at the observationlocation whether on land or water, rather IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climatesystems than at a distance (like satellites) Changeterrestrial carbon Carbon in soils and terrestrial biomassITMS Project for an integrated greenhouse gas monitoring system for GermanyThe Sentinel-5The first of the atmospheric composition Precursor (S5P) Sentinels satellites, launchedin 2017leaching In agriculture, it is the loss of nutrients in the soil due to excess run-off, rains etctierTier refers to the extent of various methods that are used to measure emissions. LULUCF Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry Level of precision: Tier 1 estimation, Tier 2 activity-based MRV estimates, Tier 3 verification of results. MEP Member of European ParliamentTROPOMI TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument- a MRV Monitoring, Reporting and Verification satellite instrument onboardtheSentinel-5 Precursor satellite measuring trace gases like nitrous oxide, methane and ozone, as well as aerosols.MRV4SOC Project for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Soil Organic Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Balance UNEP UN Environment ProgrammeNDC Nationally determined contributions.UNFCCC The United Nations Framework Convention The heart of the Paris Agreement. NDCson Climate Change,an international embody efforts by each country to reduceclimate treaty since 1992.national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.venting andThe release and burning of gases (carbon permafrost A thicksubsurfacelayer of soil that remainsflaring of gases dioxide and methane), produced as belowfreezingpoint throughout the year by-products of petroleum production, to the atmosphere. These releases may be necessary for safe operations."