b'FLUXES The European Greenhouse Gas BulletinFLUXES by ICOS FLUXES VOL. 3Publisher: ICOS Integrated Carbon FLUXES is a yearly publication by ICOS,Observation System, European Research the Integrated Carbon ObservationInfrastructure ConsortiumSystem. The aim is to highlight climateEditorial team, ICOS ERICissues to policy advisers and climateCharlotta Henry, Editor-in-Chief journalists. The first volume wasDr Sindu Raj Parampil, Scientific Editor published in 2022.Katri Ahlgren Maria Luhtaniemi ICOS is a Europe-wide greenhouse gasPeter Taggart research infrastructure. It producesKira Taylor standardised data on greenhouse gasFLUXES Advisory Boardconcentrations in the atmosphere asAlis Daniela Torres, Head of Green Digital well as on carbon fluxes between theTransformation & MRV lead, ICLEI Europeatmosphere, ecosystems and oceans.Dr Emmanuel Salmon, Head of Strategy & This knowledge supports policymakingInternational Cooperation, ICOSand decision-making to combat climateDr Frank McGovern, Chief Climate Scientist, change and its impacts. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ireland and Chair of JPI ClimateThe high-quality ICOS data is based onKira Taylor, Climate Journalistmeasurements from 179 observationDr Richard Engelen, Deputy Director of the stationsrun by top universities andCopernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service research institutions across 16 European(CAMS), ECMWFcountriesand is produced by nearly 800Dr Ruediger Lang, Atmospheric Composition scientists. Product Expert, EUMETSATThe ICOS Carbon Portal offers unlimitedSofie Jordheim, Climate Adviser, City of Bergenaccess to thousands of datasets andDr Werner Kutsch, Director General, ICOSother advanced digital products as well as services. ICOS has EuropeanOther contributors Research Infrastructure ConsortiumInfographics and layout:(ERIC) status with a legal capacityMattsson & Mattsson recognised in all countries within thePhotographers credited throughout the magazine.European Union. How to cite: icos-ri.eu ICOS ERIC (2024). Fluxes - The European Greenhouse Gas Bulletin, Volume 3. https://doi.org/10.18160/FZ5X-FA8TPhotographer: Rocco Canella, ICOS RIISSN 2984-2131Partially funded by the EU Horizon2020 projects NUBICOS (101130676), CoCO2 (958927) and IRISCC (101131261).Cover photo: Pekka Pelkonen, ICOS RI'