b'FLUXES The European Greenhouse Gas BulletinMonitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) types1. UNFCCC Reporting Based on inventories: Statistics and calculationsMRV of support MRV of mitigation actionsMRV of emissionsSupportResults andSustainableChange inTotal nationalTotal provided orimpact ofdevelopmentgreenhouselevel oforganisational received bysupporteffects andgas emissions greenhouseand facility countries provided progress gas emissionslevel of greenhouse gas emissionsFor example REDD+Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countriesThe rise of greenhouse gas inventories and observationsI n 1992, governments around the world agreed tosectors: Energy, Industrial Processes, Solvent and act together to stabilise the amount of greenhouseOther Product Use, Agriculture, Land Use, Land-Use gases in the atmosphere. This created a need toChange and Forestry (LULUCF), and Waste. Verifying measure emissions. these reports is a complex process linked to legislative Such a complex task required new systems and tools,and accounting practices.as well as guidance. Governments requested guidelinesIn short, this was the starting point of MRV. Since then, from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeMRV systems have developed into three main categories:(IPCC) on how they could calculate their emissions over a period based on national data on activities, processesMRV of greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. the and using appropriate emission factors.emission inventory): The countries report these to These are best known as National (Greenhouse Gas)the UNFCCC. Inventory Reports which are provided to the UnitedMRV of mitigation actions (e.g. policies and Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changeprojects): Inventories are used to define Nationally (UNFCCC). Countries produce these reports usingDetermined Contributions (NDCs) and national statistical data, broken down into emissions from sixclimate action plans.'