b'FLUXES The European Greenhouse Gas BulletinThe path through1 Data collection andthe first Globalpreparation 2021-2023StocktakeCountries report emissions, adaptation efforts, NDCs and climate finance.The Global Stocktake is a multi-stage assessment process established in the Paris Agreement. In the first stocktake, countries across the globe gathered data on emissions and adaptation efforts for a technical2Technical assessmentanalysis, culminating in high-level 2022-2023discussions at COP28 in Dubai 2023. A series of in-person expert By Charlotta Henry meetings to assess all the collected information. Concluded in a synthesis 20212023 First Global Stocktake report gathering recommendations and actions needed.T he first data collection and preparation phaseUrgent need for system-wide of the Global Stocktake resulted in over 1,800transformationsdocuments submitted, totalling more than 200,000 pages.Transitioning to phase 2, the technical assessment, There was a wealth of information. I think it was quitePischke highlights the collaborative effort involving overwhelming to analyse and take all that in. We needmember states, sub-national governments, civil to reflect on how to streamline it. What has been verysociety organisations, and intergovernmental bodies helpful is the analysis by international organisations, insuch as the IPCC. This phase is centred around two key particular, the IPCCand also agencies for renewablequestions: Where are we and what are the opportunities energy, that showed us pathways on how the world couldfor more ambitious climate action? The technical phase decarbonise, says Frederik Pischke, Scientific Adviserconcluded in an overarching Synthesis Report, mainly at the German Environment Agency, representing the EUbasing on the IPCC assessment reports. in the UNFCCC Global Stocktake negotiations. "There was a strong interaction with the IPCC andThe Enhanced Transparency Framework with itsthat\'s really important since the Global Stocktake is biennial transparency reports will make it easier to assesssupposed to be based on the best available science." the documents collected for the second Global StocktakeThe Synthesis Report underscores the fact that there in 2028. In the transparency reports due at the end ofis a rapidly narrowing window to raise ambition in order 2024, countries will report on their progress in climateto limit warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels: change mitigation, adaptation measures and supportMuch stronger action is needed before the second provided or received. The countries also need to highlightGlobal Stocktake in 2028.the selected indicators for tracking the progress of theirThe report also emphasises the urgent need for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) - theirsystem-wide transformations that can cut greenhouse climate action plans. gas emissions and ensure a climate-resilient future.'