b'FLUXES The European Greenhouse Gas BulletinGlossarycarbon farming Agricultural methods to optimize carbonEnvironmentA global nonprofit organisationsequestration in soils and terrestrialDefence Fundbiomass by implementing practices that are known to improve the rate at which CO2 is removed from the atmosphere.EnhancedThe framework guides countries on Transparencyreporting their greenhouse gas emissions, Framework progress toward their NDCs, climate change impacts and adaptation, support carbonThe process of removing carbon from theprovided and mobilized, and support sequestration atmosphere and storing it in reservoirs forneeded and receivedlong periods.equitable Dealing fairly and equally with everyone climate resilient Able to prepare for, recover from, andinvolvedadapt to impactsof climate changeEUMETSAT European organisation for the exploitation CO2MVS CO2 Monitoring and Verification Service - aof Meteorological Satellitesglobal system to monitor human-induced CO2 emissions, based on observations of CO2 in the atmosphere, with an emphasisFAIR Findable-Accessible-Interoperable-on new satellite missions ReusableCOP Conference of the Parties. Main decision- flux chamber A box isolating area of interestfrom making body of the UNFCCC.Often refersexternal air movement. Air flows across to UNFCCC international meeting focusingthe isolated surface and the exiting air is on climate.collected for chemical analysis.Copernicus Earth observation component of the EUGGGW, G3W Global Greenhouse Gas Watch, WMO Space programme, combiningsatelliteinitiativeEarth Observation and in situ data.data pipeline Process of transferring data from differentgreenhouse gasRemoval of greenhouse gases like carbon sources to a data repository like Carbonremovals dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide from Portal. The process is automated, efficientthe atmosphere by natural or man-made and may involve quality control of the data. processeseddy covariance A method to directly measure theglobal stocktake Process for taking stock of the exchanges of gas, energy, and momentumimplementation of Paris Agreement goalsbetween ecosystems and the atmosphere'