b"Volume #3 / 2024 13Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) types2. Observation-based MRV for greenhouse gas emissionsObservations & modelling of emissions MRV for carbon certificationGlobal, regional Local levelEU-wide voluntary framework for and local level Assess carbon farmingcertifying carbon removals, carbon Inform aboutresults & contribute tofarming and carbon storage in anthropogenicEU land sectorproducts generated in Europeemissions forLong-term collaboration policymaking andbetween different decision-makingstakeholdersVerify nationalscientists, farmers and greenhouse gascompaniesemission inventories MRV of support (e.g. climate finance andRead the story: capacity building): Countries monitor the financialObservation component ofGreenhouse gas support provided towards mitigation efforts andthe European Union's spaceinventories building capacity. programme). Page 16Alongside these, ICOS provides observational data Independent, observation-based MRV that can support these MRV A number of independent approaches to MRV havesystems. For the inventories, developed outside the UNFCCC. For instance, thereICOS data is used to improve emission factors. The are databases on emissions such as the EuropeanCopernicus system also uses ICOS atmospheric Commissions Emissions Database for Globaldata to verify its inverse modelling. Meanwhile, ICOS Atmospheric Research (EDGAR). Other systemsecosystem and ocean data are used to calculate use atmospheric concentration data and inversenatural greenhouse gas exchanges between the air modelling to reconcile inventories and data from theand the ocean or ecosystems. This gives valuable atmosphere, such as the Monitoring and Verificationinput to the inverse modelling as it integrates all Support system developed by Copernicus (the Earthemissions from an atmospheric perspective."