b'Volume #3 / 2024 17from steel plants. An observation could never distinguishMeasurement data is already really good for the these five sources because it is just one attribute. verification of the inventories. If you\'re talking about the If the inventory reports higher emissions of methaneverification of national totals, then you can compare," says for example, the observational data cannot show whyGnther. there is an increase. This requires other statistical"We observed this amount of methane and the data and/or models. Combining both observationalcalculation from the inventories gives another number, data, estimates and calculations is the best method,then you can try to explore. What is the reason for the according to Gnther. differing numbers? Photo: German Environment AgencyFrederik Pischke and Dirk Gnther at the German Environmental Agency are both involved in the Global Stocktake process. According to Gnther, combining observational data, estimates and calculations gives the most reliable results.'