b'Volume #3 / 2024 472028 Second Global Stocktake3 Political input on findings at COP28 in 2023Countries discuss the technical5 Nationally Determined Contributions NDCs 2024-2025findings and the political implications,Countries update their climate action plans deciding on statements regardingbased on the findings from the Global policies and action points. Stocktake.4 Biennial transparencyreports 2024Countries report on their progress in climate change mitigation, adaptation measures and support provided or received.In addition to phasing out fossil fuels and scalingeasy to set ambitious targets, but hard to follow up on renewable energy, while significantly decarbonisingthem, and to follow through.transport, industry and building sectors, mitigationNow, all levels of governments, including cities actions should consist of preserving nature, endingand regions, civil society and intergovernmental deforestation and embracing sustainable agriculture.organisations are reflecting on the outcomes of the first The report stresses the urgency of increasingGlobal Stocktake and areas for improvement. Feedback adaptation support and addressing loss and damage,submissions were due in March 2024, setting the stage particularly for vulnerable communities. To addressfor a comprehensive review. these issues, it underscores the need to reorient trillions of dollars in global finance to meet investment needs and mobilise significant resources in support of a zero-carbon, climate-resilient and equitable future. The Global Stocktake ExplorerStronger political view needed Dive into the wealth of information in the documents The political phase concluded in Dubai 2023 at COP28. submitted for the first Global Stocktake in 2023, This is where we lost a few points that came outusing the Global Stocktake strongly during the technical assessment.We wouldExplorer. Here you can access have needed a stronger view on the findings from theall submissions to the Global technical assessment from a political perspective.Stocktake, including the Nationally Nonetheless, a number of very important points cameDetermined Contributions,out strongly, and the final decision has taken up theIPCC reports and more.most significant signals. Now, the tricky part is left. Its'