b'"Unlike research projects dependent on fixed-term funding, we need to aim for a routine, sustained data production, ensuring continuous output independent of fluctuating research funds", says Dr Oksana Tarasova, Senior Scientific Officer at the WMO.The implementation plan will be presented to WMOIt will allow us to see how much greenhouse gases we member countries in June 2024 and then the concreteemit, how much CO2 enters and exits the atmosphere. This work can start. According to Peuch, one of the biggestwill significantly improve the accounting on who is doing obstacles is presenting the products for what they are.what. We basically need to solidify the scientific basis for It would be a big danger to appear as the green- decision making. Otherwise, the necessary decisions will house gas police and basically present figures thatnot be made, says Dr Lars Peter Riishojgaard, former would make the UNFCCC parties very uncomfortable,WMO Director and one of the G3W lead architects. says Peuch.The UNFCCC parties mostly use inventories forOvercoming challengesstatistics right nowthe G3W products will be as goodmonitoring remote areasor as bad as forecaststhey are a piece of information and evidence that we can bring to the country as addi- The preparations for setting up the G3W network are tional information. It is not a big brother watching youalready progressing at full speed, according to Senior type of approach, instead it is supporting the countriesScientific Officer Dr Oksana Tarasova at WMO, one ofto see whether the measures that are taken are effec- the initiators of the project.tive, he adds. We should have pre-operational data and a first The G3W system will help improve the quantifica- mock-up of the system in 2027. The second Global Stock-tion of both natural and human induced greenhouse gastake will wrap up in 2028 and the G3W will feed into that, sources and sinks. she says.'