b'Volume #3 / 2024 53Then, the initial operational phase starts, where we identify and mobilise resources to build the most crit-ical elements to move to full implementation. By 2032, the enhanced operational phase of the G3W willIt is not a big brother watching support the Paris Agreement implementation by assessing the impact of policymaking, she explains. you type of approach, instead However, implementing a global initiative of this scale poses several challenges. The plan is to start withit is supporting the countries to a comprehensive assessment of available observations to make use of the already existing infrastructure in thesee whether the measures that different countries. Satellite, sensor technology andare taken are effective.observational coverage are already at advanced stages in the United States and in Europe, and emerging inDr Vincent-Henri PeuchChina and Japan. However, there are areas of the globe that need to be covered where the technology is still not in place and surface-level observation is required.We do not have enough surface-based observations.what happens in the real worldand the answer is not The tropics are incredibly important because most ofin the carbon credits, she adds.the terrestrial carbon is stored there, and so we need to monitor them much better than we are doing today,Empowering nations to boost observationPhoto: Jaroslav Monchaksays Riishojgaard.In addition to the tropics, there is a lack of compre- G3W aims to give a comprehensive picture of the state hensive surface-based observations, particularly in theof the atmosphere, land, and oceansbut that requires boreal forests, permafrost areas, and the global oceanall nations to have the capacity to contribute to real-areas. time measurements and data collection. In Europe, 75% of the planet is ocean. We do have satellites thatthere is already good observational coverage.are global in nature, but the satellite observations are notICOS is the key player for surface-based observa-sensitive enough to measure the differences in atmos- tions in Europe. It has provided the leadership pheric concentrations over the ocean. Therefore, we have a strong need to observe the ocean concentrations also from surface-based platforms, for example from ships. So we need to be pretty creative, says Tarasova.To help tackle this, the G3W network is aiming to setNDCs and MRVsup strategic partnerships with shipping companies, airlines, and cell tower operators to enhance observa- Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) tional capabilities, particularly in remote areas. More- are the core planning policy document to over, it is important to transition from research-basedtrack the progress of climate action on a observations to an operational system with 24/7 capa- national and global level. In the context bilities, says Tarasova. of NDCs, Monitoring, Reporting and On a global scale, there is a lack of investment inVerification (MRV) refers to the process atmospheric observations and modelling. Unlikeby which countries track and report on the research projects dependent on fixed-term funding, weimplementation and impacts of mitigation need to aim for a routine, sustained data production,and adaptation actions, and the finance ensuring continuous output independent of fluctuatingused to support these actions. These three research funds, she explains. core elementsmitigation, adaptation andAt a political level, there should be a push for addi- financecan be part of one integrated, tional use of direct atmospheric data in support ofnational MRV system or separate MRV climate policy, which is not the case. In the politicalsystems.processes we need to get much better representation of'