b"FLUXES The European Greenhouse Gas Bulletincoordination on many aspects and is a major asset.In practical terms, we have to bring all countries toThe other important player in Europe is Copernicus.a sufficient level of greenhouse gas monitoring through Together, we are bringing together a big number ofa capacity building effort. We need to invest substan-very important academic institutions, says Peuch.tially to permit every country to engage in surface-based However, a 2023 survey of the 193 WMO memberobservations, quality control and assessment, verifica-countries, showed that up to 63% do not have a green- tion, and reporting. Empowering the nations on the house gas monitoring plan in place.monitoring is a key aspect. But we must be mindful of That is a majority of countries, which means thatbeing inclusive. That's the number one priority, he says.the G3W products would really be needed. The G3WOn the other hand, political or economic tensions will allow all the countries of the world to have thecan have a big influence on observational networks. figures and to use them to make plans, update them andIn 2021, the Russian government stopped its green-report their emissions using tools that are at the samehouse gas measurement programme. The country has level as the most advanced countries in the world, saysthe most extensive area of boreal forests in the world, Peuch.an immense carbon reservoir. The climate crisis and the lack of equal possibilitiesThey also have the largest area of permafrost, to contribute need to be tackled at the same time,which is sort of a ticking time bomb because it'saccording to Balsamo. slowly melting, and it will outgas a lot of methane.Global greenhouse gas emissions & sinksFluorinated gases Methane (CH\x0c)11% 6% 19% 64%Nitrous Oxide (N\x07O) Carbon Dioxide (CO\x07)Human-induced emissions36.3 billion tonnes CO2 in 2023 4.4 Sinks of human-induced emissions13.5 10.3Fossil fuels and industry Land use change Land sink Ocean sinkSource: Global Carbon Project 2023"