b'FLUXES The European Greenhouse Gas BulletinD espite claims of emission reduction efforts, global greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, with 40 billion tons of CO2 still emitted every year. While the worlds land surface absorbs roughly 10 billion tons and the ocean another 10 billion tons, half of theDr Gianpaolo Balsamo is leading the Global global emissions are left in the atmosphere each year. Greenhouse Gas initiative: G3W gives us Atmospheric concentrations of the main green- a tool to inform and guide climate action."house gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are all increasing, which is connected to a carbon economy and the dominant use of fossilKey takeawaysfuels, says Dr Gianpaolo Balsamo, Director at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), leading the Global Greenhouse Gas initiative (G3W). The Global Greenhouse Gas Watch The G3W is a complex observational networkis a complex observational network covering almost all domains: land, ocean, atmospherecovering almost all Earth domains: and cryosphere (ice caps, glaciers and areas of snow andland, ocean and atmosphere.permafrost). It consists of surface-based and space-basedThe aim is to provide surface-based observations and requires a large-scale collaborationand space-based observations on between international organisations, government agen- greenhouse gases across the globe.cies, research institutions, the private sector, and aThe system will compile monthly data variety of initiatives.on greenhouse gas emissions at a 100 In Europe, the G3W will mostly build on the existingkm x 100 km grid on a global scale.technology and knowledge from Copernicus and theIt requires a large-scale collaboration Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS). On abetween international organisations, global scale, the G3W will integrate systems from all thegovernment agencies, research continents under one global umbrella. institutions, private sector and a variety It is a very collective work. We need to make theof initiatives.Photo: Jaroslav Monchakdifferent communities come together - the modelling,A first mock-up of the system will be observations, ocean, terrestrial and air quality sectors,ready in 2027 and the G3W will be up but also geographically - the North Americans, Euro- and running in 2028.peans, the Chinese, Japanese, etc. We need to work together to develop a common plan, says Dr Vincent-Henri Peuch, Director for Engagement with the EU and Head of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF). He has been leading thecally detailed data, using observations, data manage-group developing the G3W implementation plan.ment and modelling. Unlike inventories, which are produced annually and Real-time data for informed decisions focus on national or sub-national totals, the G3W network will provide a more dynamic, faster response The G3W system, due to be partly up and running inwith monthly results. This offers valuable insights into 2027, is designed to track greenhouse gases acrossthe Earth system\'s responses to occurring changes. the globe, particularly CO2. The aim is to compileThis way, we get a tool to inform and guide climate monthly data on greenhouse gas observations at aaction as well as evaluate the efficacy of the Nationally 100km x 100 km grid on a global scale. The ultimateDetermined Contributions (NDCs), says Balsamo.goal is to reach a 1 km x 1 km grid within the nextThe World Meteorological Organisation is relying on decade. The G3W data will support the greenhousea range of collaborations with existing observational gas inventories with dynamic, timely and geographi- networks to set up the G3W system and the 193 WMO'