b'Volume #3 / 2024 55We don\'t know exactly how quickly or how much, financial requirements for measurements to get says Riishojgaard. funds from the G3W system. The money could come from development funds and be results-basedas Diversity of economic long as you deliver data, you get the funding," and political interests Tarasova says.Managing the reduction of greenhouse gases Another significant hurdle in the implementation ofaccording to the Paris Agreement is a binding pact, but G3W is the diversity of economic and political interests,the world still needs concrete means to follow up on its especially in countries heavily reliant on fossil fuels.actions."As a minister once said in one of our meetings - theThe nations need a reliable greenhouse gas moni-problem is that we don\'t know how to do what we needtoring system that is based on science and observa-to do and get re-elected," Riishojgaard says.tional evidence, and that can serve the 198 UNFCCC According to Tarasova, there could be a way to bringparties, keeping the goals of the Paris Agreement monetary resources to countries that may not be able towithin reach. The solution is the Global Greenhouse fund observational networks themselves. Gas Watch, which is solid, valuable and necessary to There could be a mechanism that allows thosemitigate the risks that climate change poses to countries that cannot meet the minimum technical orsociety, Balsamo concludes. The percentages of greenhouse gas emissions show the global accumulation in the atmosphere until 2022. If currentemission levels persist, the world could exceed 1.5C of warming in seven years, according to the Global Carbon Budget. Fluorinated gases Methane (CH\x0c)11% 6% 19% 64%Nitrous Oxide (N\x07O) Carbon Dioxide (CO\x07)Human-induced emissions36.3 4.4 billion tonnes CO2 in 2023 Sinks of human-induced emissions13.5 billion tonnes CO2 in 2023 10.3 billion tonnes CO2 in 2023Fossil fuels and industry Land use change Land sink Ocean sink'