b'Volume #3 / 2024 43Key takeawaysEven if we reached the The Global Stocktake shows whether the world is collectively making enoughtargets that countries are progress towards the goals of the Paris Agreement including the temperaturesetting, we would only be goal, increasing resilience, adaptation,about 2% below the 2019 aligning financial flows and providing climate finance. emission levels in 2030.The world needs to transition awayDr Frederik Pischkefrom fossil fuels, triple renewable energy and double energy efficiency.To keep the 1.5C temperature goal inrepresented the EU in the UNFCCC Global Stocktake reach, an emission reduction of 43% isnegotiations.needed by 2030. The world is on trackWe need to triple renewable energy, double energy for just a 2% decrease with its currentefficiency by 2030 and phase out fossil fuels, while climate targets. making sure that the different sectors - energy supply, The upcoming COP meetings intransport, buildings, industry and agriculture - play Azerbaijan and Brazil will delvetheir role in a decarbonised world. Now, it is about into collective, quantified goals ontaking the hard decisions for a low-carbon, climate finance, and updating the Nationallyresilient and equitable future and making climate Determined Contributions (NDCs). change a priority, he adds.The success of the first Global Stocktake will be determined in 2025The immense ambition gap once the updated NDCs are tabled.Following COP28, the focus is now moving on to the submission of the updated Nationally Determined Contri-butions (NDCs), where countries lay out their new climate T he Global Stocktake, which takes place everyaction plans. The NDCs need to be submitted nine to 12 months before COP30, which will take place in Brazil in five years, provides a snapshot of the world\'s2025. Countries will need to fix the major ambition gap advancement towards the Paris Agreementbetween their plans and global climate goals:goals. In 2023, the first stocktake served asThe current NDCs fail to reach the goals of the yet another wake-up call, emphasising thatParis agreement: The UNEP Emissions Gap report and the world is off track to meet these goals and limitUNFCCC analysis show a big ambition gap on where global warming.we\'re supposed to be in terms of emission reduction The steps needed to get back on track are clear: Theand where the NDCs will bring us, Pischke explains.world needs to transition away from fossil fuels, triple"Even if we reached the targets that countries are renewable energy and double energy efficiency. EUsetting, we would be falling far shortwe would only negotiators were pushing for this at the last COPbe about 2% below the 2019 emission levels in 2030. To meeting in Dubai. keep the 1.5C temperature goal in reach, a 43% I think the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel ondecrease would instead be needed by 2030, according Climate Change] has been very clear. We have the tools,to the IPCC, he continues.technology and knowledge needednow we have toPischke emphasises the critical role of NDCs, implement that, says Dr Frederik Pischke, Scientificoutlining how they guide countries in increasing ambi-Adviser at the German Environment Agency, whotion and taking climate action.'