b'Volume #3 / 2024 11Setting up MRV systemsNOT A RESEARCH PROJECT MRV systems are not temporary research projectsthey should be operated long termFUNDING Funds are required to employ staff, purchase supercomputers and set up the data centresNON-STATIC POINTS Typically, ground-based sensors are at fixed locations, and so it is hard for them to measure emissions from sources that move, like ships or aeroplanesDATA STORAGE CAPACITY Models require high-performance computing capacity to carry out complex calculations, and many terabytes of storage capacity is needed to store the dataTRAINING AND EXPERTISE Not just anyone can run an MRV systemthe staff needs specific expertise and knowledge to run the system on a regular basisGEOGRAPHICAL &Kyriaki Papoutsidaki is checkingGLOBAL DISPARITY samples from the ICOS FinokaliaSome parts of the world have station in the university laboratory ina well-developed network of Crete, Greece. Running MRV systemsground-based measurement based on observations requires high technological knowledge of thestations and the trained staff to personnel. run them, while others lack this.'