b'FLUXES The European Greenhouse Gas Bulletinfollow up on the important targets. What we are currently working hard to achieve is to get these issues The focus is on the overallreflected in the future decisions and in the process itself, says Kupiainen. progress, without differentiatingPischke underscores the need for smart solutions that address multiple crises simultaneously: or singling out specific countries. The implementation part is a huge challenge. We Dr Frederik Pischke, Scientific Adviser are confronted with several obstacles, there are a number of wars and we have just come out of a pandemic. There are multiple priorities that govern-ments have to address. We need solutions that are part of the circular economy approaches, strengthen In their new NDCs, the countries have to specifysustainable lifestyles and which have the potential to how they are reflecting these results of the Globaladdress multiple crises while taking societies forward.Stocktake."Dr Kaarle Kupiainen, Ministerial Adviser at theClimate finance can become a hurdleMinistry of Environment in Finland and leader of the EU negotiation team in the Global Stocktake stream,While acknowledging diverse perspectives on climate says that the main purpose of the Global Stocktake is toaction, Pischke sees the Global Stocktake as a unifying inform the parties, when they update their NDCs.force. It provides a common understanding and a The success of the first Global Stocktake will beroadmap for achieving the Paris Agreement goals. The determined in 2025 when we see the updated NDCs.upcoming COP meetings in Azerbaijan and Brazil will They will collectively show whether countries havedelve into collective, quantified goals on finance, and taken up the call and information from the first GlobalNDCs.Stocktake and translated it into their ambitions toSome argue that, if we fail to reach a consensus and collectively achieve the goals of the Agreement. an ambitious common goal on climate finance, it can actually harm the update of the NDCs in 2025 and risk Solutions needed to address the implementation," Kupiainen says and continues: multiple crises "Financing is an important enabling component of global action: the implementation of domestic climate The Global Stocktake focuses uniquely on collectiveactions reflected in the NDCs requires both support progress rather than individual country achievements.and financing for the developing states, particularly for It also includes the engagement of cities and sub-the least developed. However, it remains to be seen and national actors to collectively progress towards theof course, the UNFCCC is working hard to get a good Paris Agreement.outcome from the next COP. The Stocktake shows whether we are advancingClimate change threatens a number of human rights, towards the goals of the Paris Agreement on a collec- including the right to life, water and sanitation, food, tive level: the temperature goal, increasing resilience,health, housing, self-determination, culture and devel-adaptation and aligning financial flows and providingopment. The most vulnerable people in the world are climate finance. Therefore, the focus is on the overallthe most affected. progress, without differentiating or singling out specificPischke emphasises the need for a wider perspective countries, Pischke says. on climate impacts in the Stocktake: The implementation of ambitious targets poses aI think it is very important to include civil society considerable challenge amid competing global priori- and the diversity of actors. What also could be stronger, ties.in my view, is how to consider human rights in the We have been a bit worried about the implementa- context of climate change and climate action as well as tion of the decisions made in the Global Stocktakegender consideration. We are still lacking a lot of because it is not very concrete on how we are going togender related data. That should also be improved.'